1. Browsing apps with iWavit Flow app
3. Adding Functions to Buttons
8. Uploading and Sharing Remotes
10. iWavit for PC Speech Recognition
(click the images to play videos)
ThinkOptics provides many different apps that you can use with your iWavit. Most of the apps are pre-configured Virtual Remotes, which are virtual metaphors for real remotes. They look and feel similar and require essentially no setup. It is like walking into a store and picking up the Remote you need from our growing virtual collection.
(Here is a Quick Start guide for setting up the hardware: Quick Start Guide)
The best way to browse your iPhone (and the Apple App Store) for iWavit apps is to install and run the "iWavit Flow" app. Click on the video link above to see iWavit Flow in action.
This demo video also shows you (towards the end) what happens when you launch the Tabula Rasa app, the Remote Control & Editor App.
2. Creating your own Remote layout
"Your First Button":
The best thing about iWavit Tabula Rasa is that you can now create your own virtual remotes, and start getting rid of the clutter in your living room. This demo will show you how to create your first simple remote control.
Tabula Rasa provides many different types of buttons, some with graphics and text and some that are blank. Specifically for blank buttons it is good be able to add your own text. This demo show how to create buttons and labels.
3. Adding Functions to Buttons
"Adding PC Functions to a Button":
Once you have created your Remote Control layout, you will want to add functions to the buttons. This demo will show you how to add PC Functions, Macros, and sound effects to buttons.
"The Magic of Backgrounds":
It is amazing the difference a good Background makes. A good Remote Control Background can properly convey meaning and context. For example, if you want to control the lights in your room, you may want to draw a remote control with a large picture of a light bulb. If you are controlling a specific Settop box, like DirecTV, you may want to make the remote look similar to the real physical remote for that TV, essentially "virtualizing" that remote.
Another mind-blowingly simple concept is to take a picture of your living-room and use that as the basis for a remote control. If someone now asks you how to turn on the TV, you just tell them to tap the TV in the picture of your living room (naturally you will need to overlay a transparent button on that TV when you create the remote and insert the TV's ON/OFF function).
"Virtualizing an IR Remote":
There are three different ways to get the IR codes.
1. Look through our (somewhat limited) IR device database.
2. Look at whether other people have uploaded virtual remotes (see one of the subsequent videos for more details)
3. Learn the IR remote control directly from the physical remote you have.
This demo will show you how to learn IR codes from your old remote controls.
"Downloading Tabula Rasa Remotes":
With Tabula Rasa it is possible to share (upload) virtual remotes that you have made, and conversely to download virtual remotes that others have made. In fact, this is one of the most exciting features about the Tabula Rasa app.
This demo show an example of how to search the iWavit Tabula Rasa online remote control database, and how to download a remote onto your iPhone. It is very simple.
"Share your Virtual Remotes":
Once you have spent the time to create your own virtual remote control, we encourage you to share your remote control with others. With a few simple clicks, you will be able to upload your remote control for posterity and glory. Also, uploading your remote is a great way to save your work should your iPhone ever crash.
Please note that the quality of the Tabula Rasa Library depends entirely on you! So please only upload remotes that you are proud of and that you think other users might find interesting.
This demo shows you how simple it is to share your Tabula Rasa remote control.
"Setting up your TV Channels":
Activities and Macros are common terms for embedding more functions inside of single buttons. For example, when you press a "Start Watching Movies" button, you may want it to send an IR command to turn on the TV, turn on the DVD player, and send the DVD "play" button.
In this demo we focus on a different type of macro, and this is for changing the channels on your TV or Cable box. To change the channel you generally want to be able to enter something like channel "123". It would be tedious indeed if you have to learn 3 new IR codes for each new TV Channel button that you create. This is why we created the "TV Channels" function type. This demo shows you how to use this to 1) Learn the number 0-9 ONCE, and then 2) how this greatly simplifies creating your own personalized channel list.
"iWavit Speech Recognition set-up":
If you use the iWavit to control a your Windows 7 or Vista PC, then you should also try out the Speech Recognition capabilities that are built into these operating systems.
Here is a video which shows you how to turn on Speech Recognition on Windows 7.
"Setting up iWavit microphone for Karaoke on a Windows PC ":
One of the little knows features of the iWavit is the built-in wireless PC Microphone (this is not to be confused with the iPhone's own microphone). There are many iWavit apps which have a microphone button, and you can also add a microphone button to Tabula Rasa. (Look under the Edit>Add Functions> TalknPoint>MIC). You can use the microphone for issuing voice commands to your PC or for talking on your Skype on your computer, for example.
It is also fun to just hear your own voice directly. This Video shows you how to set up your Windows 7 PC into microphone pass-through mode. Whatever you say will be heard immediately through the speakers on your PC. This is great for Karaoke or just Public Announcements. (If there is feedback try to move away from the speaker or reduce the microphone volume level)